If you worry about hurting your pets with your carpet stain remover this will solve that worry. You can now buy a carpet stain remover that won’t hurt your pets.
Doncaster carpet cleaners have the very latest in pet safe carpet spotters. It’s a great product that will help you keep on top of the stains that we all get on our carpets.
Pet safe carpet spotter stain remover safe for pets.
This unique carpet spotter is designed so that if your pets do walk into an area of carpet that you have just done stain removal on. It will not burn their feet or mouth when they are trying to lick off chemicals that are in some carpet stain removers.
This is a reall breakthrough for pet owners that really care about the health of their pets.
So, if you worry about hurting your pets with your carpet stain remover this will solve that worry.
You can now buy a carpet stain remover that won’t hurt your pets.
Choose carpet cleaners Doncaster, to be on the safe side.

Click on the button below and we will send it out to you. It’s just £10 for that peace of mind.
[wp_cart_button name=”Pet safe carpet stain remover” price=”10.00″]