At Doncaster Carpet Cleaners we take your health and safety very seriously. Doncaster carpet cleaners health and safety policy includes everything from the products we use for which we have safety data sheets in the van. To our health and safety policy which is also kept on the van.
Everything from machinery, slippery floor signs, manual handling procedures etc. This may all seem a little over the top but it is absolutely essential for us to be able to provide a great job whilst taking care of everybody concerned.
Doncaster Carpet Cleaners health and safety policy
Doncaster Carpet Cleaners health and safety policy has been thought through and written to fit what we do. It has be put together by myself having taken various courses including the National Carpet Cleaners Association. Health and safety for the carpet cleaner & upholstery cleaners course. Run by Mr Paul Pearce MBICSc.

I have also made good use of all the material on line supplied by the health and safety executive. Starting with their document entitled. An introduction to health and safety. Health and safety in small businesses.
This in itself is an extensive document. Armed with this and the NCCA course which came with a very comprehensive manual and compact disk. I aim to take all steps to ensure that we are delivering a great carpet cleaning service whist keeping everybody safe.
As most people will know Doncaster carpet Cleaners is a family firm covering Doncaster. Our customers are our lively hood and we aim to keep both you and and us safe.
Any feed back is welcomed and I may be contacted via the contacts page by email or by the telephone numbers on every page of the web site. We also have a face book page.
Doncaster Carpet Cleaners Health and Safety Policy.